Well Hello Durr

Hey there beautiful. Or handsome. You're looking especially amazing today. Have you lost weight? No? Oh. Awkward.

Look! Over there! I'm changing the subject!
Sooooo hey guys! What are you all going to do for Halloween?! Are you staying home? Trick or treating? Going to a party? Hosting a party? Or going out to dinner like I usually do and forgetting about Halloween altogether? I'm going to be IronWoman this year. It's like Iron Man, only more feminine. Last year was my first time trick or treating. Ever. IN MY LIFE. Honestly, what kind of a tradition IS trick or treating? You dress up in a costume, go up to random people's doors, take their candy, and run away. I understand it's KIND of fun, and maybe I just feel weird about it because I've only done it once. That's why I'm doing it again this year. Last year I was Katniss Everdeen and I ROCKED IT. This year I'm Iron Woman and I'M GONNA ROCK IT EVEN MORE. My little brother might be the Silver Surfer which would be AWESOME. And I was told my older brother was coming home tomorrow and was going to be Krieg the Psycho (it's from Borderlands 2. You wouldn't understand.) but now I'm hearing he won't be home in time. :-( I will probably go with my little brother and possibly with Zane and some of his friends but even I'M not really sure.
Ah well. C'est la vie. (I don't speak French so if that's an insulting word I apologize.)
So. Now. T'is time for the question I inevitably ask at the end of every blog, about something different every time: will you comment down below there please? Tell me what you're doing for Halloween! The 4 people that follow this blog, please, do your poor, weary blogger a favor: listen. LISTEN TO WHAT I'M TELLING YOU. COMMENT. DO IT. DOITDOITDOITDOITDOITDOITDOITDOITDOIT. DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT. NOWWWWWW. DO IT FOR THE LITTLE BOYS AND GIRLS THAT DEPEND ON YOU. THE CHILDREN. THEY NEEEEED YOOOOOOOOU. Lol not really they need Iron Man. Ha. :-P

bye bye loyal followers


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