bY THE WAY Recently a dear friend of mine introduced me to a new kind of music. I have known him for over two years and I still hadn't listened to a whole lot of his music, so he played a few songs for me. The genre is drumstep. What is drumstep, you ask? I honestly haven't the foggiest idea. But I like it. It's like dubstep, but I guess something makes it different. So that's all I have to say on that matter. It's like dubstep, but instead of being like wUBWUBWIUBWUBWUBWUBWAHHHHWEEEWWUBWUBWUBWUBWOOOD D D D D WOOOWUBWUBWUB it's more like dootdootdootdootdootdootDOOTDOOOTdootdootminiwubminiwubminiwubWOOOSHwubwubdootdootdoot i don't know i'm not a musicologist do i look like randy jackson