
Showing posts from March, 2014


This is saddening. It's over. Over. Never again.  To Kill A Mockingbird is over. Sad. It was so much fun to be a part of it while it lasted. Awesome cast. Awesome show. Awesome audiences. Awesome experience. Awesome overuse of the word awesome.  I'm gonna miss it. I don't know what to do with myself now. From left to right:  Patrick Bernhard (Jeremy "Jem" Finch); Sophia Goodwin (Jean Louise "Scout" Finch, A); Brenna McWha (Jean Louise "Scout" Finch, 1) :(   

T! K! A! M!

Come see the show! Tomorrow is the last day. 2 to about 4:15ish. Plz. Plz come. Plz. I have family and (hopefully) a few friends coming so COME AND JOIN THE FUNNNNNNNN PLZ

Veggie Tales

"Oh no, what we gonna do? The king likes Daniel more than me and you. Oh no, what we gonna do? We gotta get him outta here!"  I freakin love Veggie Tales. Is that bad? I'm a 14 year old girl and I still love Veggie Tales. Actually, you know what? No. It's not bad at all. So many kids still obsess over Lizzy McGuire and That's So Raven and crap. And 90% of the girls at my school (including myself) LOOOVE Frozen. Which, I think we can all agree, is a pretty childish movie. • • • • Anywho, don't you think it's ridiculous when people discriminate against Christians because of their religion? Because maybe some of us enjoy the Bible and actually have favorite books of the Bible that they read? Because maybe some of us do enjoy biblical shows? Never mind. S•op•h•ie G•ood•w•in•


I feel like 1/8 of death. My throat hurts so bad. I cannot breathe without paaaaain.  Sickness=suckiness. I hope I'm not too sick to go to school tomorrow..golly gee, that'd just be awful... No actually it would because I'd miss running in gym and then I'd have to run around the track all by myself with everyone watching me on Thursday and I'm sorry but um no. And what if we watch a movie in language arts?! We might. It's entirely possible. I don't wanna miss that. And in drama we're watching this Helen Keller movie. And besides that I just REALLY like going to drama class. So I do not think I would like to miss school tomorrow. Maybe if I got checked out like right before science and then came back right after history. That would be good.   But anywho how are y'all? OK I WANT TO GET CATCHING FIRE ON DVD SOOOOOO BAAAADDD SOOOOOOOO BAAAAAAD AAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHHHH AND WHY CANT IT BE 2015 ALREADY SO I CAN GO SEE AGE OF ULTRON AAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHH LIFE SUC...


So this morning in gym, Coach Hughes was doing testing or something for another class and we had a sub. GUESS WHO THE SUB WAS?! COACH DEEBUS!!!!!!!!!! Coach DEEBUS (or Delanee Bryan, or Coach D, or Coach B, or Coach Bryan, or Coach Delanee, or Coach Deebs, or Coach Deeby-Weeby) is my school swim coach. She is the best coach evarrrrr. EVARRRRRRRR.  Just thought I'd share that information. :) $0P#!@ G00DVV!N

Lions n lambs n daylight savings n crap

March. Ah, March. Marchmarchmarchmarchmarch. Mmmmmmarch. Maaaaaaaarch. Marrrrrrrrrch. March. March is supposed to be "in like a lion, out like a lamb" right? Well, it's definetely been lion-ish. Thunderstorms and cold winds and crap. But here's the thing. It's only March 9th. And right now, I feel like I'm in Philadelphia. Why, you ask? BECAUSE IT'S ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA. We're not even halfway through March. Barely even a THIRD of the way through. And March is already all "Baa, baaaaaaa, ooh, poor me, I'm scared of wolves, baaaaa, where's the shepherd, baaaaaaaa, Mary had a little me, baa, Old MacDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O." March SHOULD still be like "RAAAAAAAAAAWR AAAAAA ROOOOAR RAWWWWWR RAAAAAA ARRDRRR AAAAAAAAAA SIBENYAAAAAAA BABA NICHI BABAAAAA  MUFASAAAAAA!!!!!!" But no. Florida is being cheated. March is making Florida be all "Man I must be tripping because March is not even haLFWAY OVER SO HOW C...